Product Descriptions
Writing that inspires, engages and informs.
Are your product descriptions so appealing that your consumers want to reach into the page and touch them? Do your descriptions offer enough information about the product for your customer to make an informed decision? You've gotten them to your website when there are so many other options out there. Now you need them to purchase. Along with great images, you need desirable copy that speaks to your consumer and inspires them to buy the item in front of them.
Great product descriptions can:
Increase conversions
Improve SEO
Improve return customer rate
Create must-have desire
Appeal to emotions
See my portfolio for samples of my professional copywriting for product descriptions.
Let's have a conversation about your website and how messaging can improve your business: Contact Me
PRICING: My $65 hourly rate is based on 5 - 8 product descriptions, having been provided all of the information I need to adequately describe each item, and the length of copy needed for each. Then, let's talk about building out your blog!
PLEASE NOTE: For effective representation of your product/s and brand voice, I will need you to send additional information or links in support of your web copy that provide a thorough understanding of your brand and your products.
Examples of items I may require from you: mission statement, services/product type breakdown, who your target audience is, how long you've been in business, perceptions about what you offer, information about your competitor/s.
If I don't have enough information to go on, I am always happy to perform research for an additional fee. Add one additional hour for every 5 products you need researched.